The Professionals

Buddy Beem Golf

Fitter Credentials

  • 2024 World’s Top 100 Clubfitter
  • KZG Certified Master Clubfitter
  • IPAC Member
  • Professional Club Builder
  • Teaching Professional

Contact Details

Buddy Beem


(303) 595-0181

Buddy Beem Golf

Please call for Appointment

  • Indoor and outdoor fitting
  • Coaching and lessons

One of the leading coaches in Colorado is Buddy Beem.  He has worked with PGA Tour Players, LPGA Tour Players, and the top Junior Players in the state.  As a coach, he understands that in order to improve and maximize anyone’s game, they must be fit into the ideal clubs for their swing and that the clubs must be precisely built.   No exceptions.

Buddy Beem’s expertise comes from over 30+ years experience as coach, teacher, fitter and builder.   He has been honored as one of the World’s Top 100 ClubFitters consistently since 2006, and has been a Founding Member of IPAC (International ClubFitting Association of ClubFitters).

Buddy coaches, teaches, fits and builds clubs.   Buddy utilizes a sophisticated custom fitting system including a state-of-the-art swing analysis program. He takes pride in handcrafting every club that he fits.   Even though he is sought by so many of the touring professionals, head pros, avid golfers, university teams and junior amateurs, he gives the same “tour fitting” to every golfer, including beginners and high handicappers who actually benefit the most from a fitting.

Buddy features KZG, the #1 Custom ProLine in golf equipment as it offers the widest spectrum of high quality, high performing equipment.  KZG is sold exclusively through the Top Professionals around the globe, and is never sold over the internet or phone, thus assuring that every KZG golfers has been perfectly fit their clubs precisely built.

When you want to improve, give Buddy a call.

Click Here to read about how Bryan “Buddy” Beem helped us design the DS-1 Putter.